This wonderful human is an amazing example the impact of fishing can have on society. She was fishing by herself at the pond where we held an event for the Youth Anglers Club. I noticed several of our students fishing right around her. I walked down to have them give her some space, and she went on to tell me that her grandchildren had moved away and that she fished here every Saturday. She told me that she loved the students company and that she had exchanged some of her shrimp for some of our kids crickets. She was there when I got there to set up and was still there after the event as I was leaving. I went and spoke to her again and she was so thankful for the time she had with our students. This was a milestone moment for myself and one of the times the Lord confirmed we were on the right path with our outreach. Fishing bridges all gaps that the world may put between us. It bridges gaps in age, gender, nationality, religion, race, social status, and more.